
(Greek: buttock, butt, rump; muscles of the buttocks; sometimes, it means "round")

buttock, butt, rump
1. Either of the two rounded prominences on the human torso that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures.
2. The similar part of the body on certain mammals.
3. Either of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rump or the part of the body that people sit on.

The hind-quarters or buttocks of an animal or the part of a quadruped that corresponds to the human buttocks.

1. The two fleshy prominences formed by the gluteal muscles on the lower part of the human back side.
2. The fleshy part of the human body on the backside that people sit on.
gluteal (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the buttocks or to one of its component structures: There are three large gluteal muscles of each buttock, especially the "gluteus maximus", that extend, abduct, and rotate the thigh.
gluteal nerve
Either of two nerves coming from the sacral plexus and supplying the gluteal muscles and adjacent parts.
gluteal reflex
The contraction of the gluteus muscles that result when the back is stroked.
gluteal region
The region or area over the gluteal muscles.
glutei (pl)
The three muscles that form the buttocks; including, the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.
1. A reference to to the buttock and the thigh.
2. Pertaining to a gluteal muscle and the thigh or the femoral bone.
A reference to a gluteal muscle and the greater trochanter of the femur (the thigh bone which extends from the pelvis to the knee).

The greater trochanter is a large projection of the femur, to which are attached various muscles, including the gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, and obturator internus which functions to rotate the thigh laterally and to extend and to abduct or to pull the thigh away from the body when it is flexed.

A large muscle in the buttocks in a group of three (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus) that moves the thigh in humans, especially the gluteus maximus.
gluteus maximus (s), glutei maximi (pl); musculus gluteus maximus
1. The outermost of the three large gluteus muscles that form each buttock in humans.
2. The greatest gluteal muscle and the biggest muscle in the human body.

The gluteus maximus forms most of the buttocks and it acts to extend the upper leg, spread it, and turn it outward.

There are two other gluteal muscles called the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. Together with the gluteus maximus, they are the muscles on which we sit.

gluteus medius (s), glutei medii (pl); musculus gluteus medius
The middle muscle of the three muscles found in each of the human buttocks which arises from the outer surface of the ilium and which is inserted into the greater trochanter (points at which hip and thigh muscles are attached) of the femur (bone from the hip to the knee).
gluteus minimus (s), glutei minimi (pl); musculus gluteus minimus
The innermost muscle of the three muscles found in each of the human buttocks that comes up from the outer surface of the ilium (wide flat upper part of the pelvis) and which is inserted into the greater trochanter (points at which hip and thigh muscles attach) of the femur (thigh bone, extending from the pelvis to the knee).

It is the smallest and deepest gluteal muscle.

An inflammation of the muscles of the buttocks.
intergluteal (adjective), more intergluteal, most intergluteal
Between the buttocks which is the prominence formed by the gluteal muscles on either side: One of the several disorders of the intergluteal region is the deep gluteal syndrom.